Saturday, August 20, 2011

What We Have Learnt in Term 3 Week 8

Important Notice

1. Do take note of the amendments made regarding the questions and pages to be completed for homework in the previous post. I typed the wrong pages and the pupils will be unable to do the homework as I have not taught them division or page 11-14 of the English worksheet. I do apologise for any inconvenience caused. For your easy reference, listed below are the amendments:


1. Maths Diagnostic Test (*complete questions on multiplication only as we have not done division) (Amendment as of 19/8)
2. Please sign the Mathematics workbook. Complete the corrections
3. The Enormous Watermelon page 14-17 (Ammendment as of 18/8)
4. Complete the Teachers' Day Appreciation Message.


1. Multiplication in Word Problems (Revise)

After doing more multiplication word problems with the students, I find that it is useful to use the multiplication concept of (groups and items) and models to solve word problems.


There are three children. The teacher gives each child 6 sweets. How many sweets does the teacher give out altogether?

Teaching Note 1:

Multiplication concept of (groups and items)

*Highlight that there are 3 groups of 6 = 3 children with 6 sweets each

Thus the number sentence is 3 x 6 = 18

**Highlight that the first factor 3 represents the groups and the second factor 6 represents the items in each group. This helps them to formulate the multiplication number sentence.

Highlighting the groups of items in the word problem, i.e. ___ groups of _____ will help them to see that they need to multiply and not add to get the answer.

Teaching Note 2:


I find it effective to get pupils to draw models to visually represent the word problem especially when no picture representations are given.

This model will come in especially useful in helping pupils understand the concept of division ( concept of equal proportions) when we are doing division later .


Sound discrimination and listening comprehension (Revise)

1. We practiced listening and identifying the ending sounds /ow/, /tch/, /ose/ and /op/ in words such as cow, witch, rose and mop.

2. We practiced listening and identifying the beginning sounds /f/, /sh/, /k/ and /scr/ in words such as frame, shake, kite and screw.

Common mistakes:

1. Pupils confuse beginning and ending sounds.

Example 1:
They selected the word shake as beginning with the beginning sound /k/ instead of the word kite.

(Error is due to the fact that shake has the ending sound /k/)

Example 2:
They selected the word pot as ending with the ending sound /ose/ instead of the word pose.

(Error is due to the fact that pose and pot has the same beginning sound /p/)

Teaching note: Do highlight and practice listening and identifying the beginning and ending sounds that have been taught as this will be tested in SA2.

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