Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, 12th September

Important Notice:

1. The Musical Theatre performance will be on Wednesday, 14th Spetember. Parent volunteers would be greatly welcomed to help the pupils change into their costumes. Do drop me an sms if you are interested.

Parent volunteers arrival time : 1.15 p.m
Parents ( guests) : 3 p.m

2. Please bring scissors, glue and stapler tomorrow. There's no need to bring construction paper as I will be providing it. We will be making a flower and giving it to the school helpers as a show of appreciation.

3. Sign the Spelling book.

4. Bring Maths workbook 1B part 2.


1.. English worksheet page 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 10.

Spelling dates

1. 15th September
2. 21 September
3. 28th September
4. 5th October

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