Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, 13th September

Important reminders

1. Tomorrow please ensure your child brings a packed lunch, a water bottle, their Maths workbook part 2, a storybook and a pencil case

2. Pupils must be in their PE attire tomorrow to facilitate the change of costumes.

3. Do take note that if you would like to watch the performance tomorrow, you have to be seated in the hall by 3.15p.m. The performance will begin at 3:30 p.m.

4. There is early dismissal on Friday at 5:30p.m due to the Mid-autumn celebration. Please take note and make the necessary arrangements.

Parent volunteers please report at the office at 1.30p.m. Thank you. Your help is much needed and appreciated.


1. Maths workbook page 5-15.

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