Friday, April 1, 2011

Monday, 4th April

Important Notice:

1. The School Smart Card will be issued tomorrow, 5/4/2011. Please inform your child where you would like them to keep it so it would not be misplaced.

Home support for Writing:

Class Writing

Last week, the pupils in Class 1.6 had a first-hand experience making a Nutella and banana sandwich. Subsequently, they wrote a recount of it together as a class.

Making a Nutella and Banana Sandwich

Last week, we made a Nutella and banana sandwich for tea.

First, we took two slices of bread. Next, we spread Nutella on one slice of bread with a knife. After that, we used a fork to place four slices of banana on the Nutella spread. Then, we covered it with another slice of bread.

Finally, we ate the Nutella and banana sandwich during recess. It tasted delicious.

Written by, Class 1.6

Group Writing

Today, they made a 'Happy Face Biscuit' and will be collaborating with two of their classmates tomorrow to write a recount of it.

Individual Writing

It would be good if you could provide your child with an experience of making their favourite sandwich at home so they can write a recount of it on Wednesday.


1. Practise 1, page 37-38.

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