Saturday, July 30, 2011

What We Have Learnt in Term 3 Week 5


1. Numbers to 40: Adding 3 Numbers

- Making ten to add 3 numbers: This is actually a mental calculation strategy as it is easier to calculate mentally when you 'make ten' first. Pupils have to be very good at 'making ten' first before they can master this strategy.

Step 1:
'Making ten'

Step 2:
9+ 7 + 1 = 10 + 7 = 17

8+8+8= 8+2+4+2+8 = 10 +4+10 = 24

2. Part-Whole Model

This is a problem solving strategy to help pupils solve word problems. I cannot stress how important this is in helping them understand and solve word problems at a higher level (2-step word problems and more) later on. Pupils have to understand that parts make up a whole before they can master this strategy. Please note that some pupils can easily identify the parts and whole in a word problem but others need to be practice this strategy until it becomes easy to identify the parts and whole.

Step 1:

Identify the parts and the whole in the word problem. For example:

There are 30 students in Class 1.6. 14 of them are girls. How many boys are there?

Whole: total sum of students : 30
Parts: Boys : 14 , Girls : ?

Step 2:

Draw a part-whole model. This is a basically a bar which represents the whole and that has been subdivided to represent the different parts. Please try to encourage pupils to draw in proportion to the number they are representing. (Please note: this may seem tedious but drawing accurate representations help them to visualise the word problems and again is key in helping them solve word-problems at a higher level in the future).
Common mistake:

This mistake shows that the pupil does not understand that 40 is the whole and should be represented by the entire bar model. It is not a part and hence should not be part of the bar model.

*Please note that this week we will be doing comparison models which requires pupils to draw two separate bar models to represent and compare different quantities.


1. Grammar: Subject-Verb-Agreement

A singular noun (S) or a plural noun (P) should be followed by the correct verb.

Grammar rule:

Singular noun + verb(s)
Plural noun + verb

The boy likes to eat sweets. The boys like to eat sweets.
(S) verb(s) (P) verb

Exception to the rule:

The singular pronoun 'I' and 'You'

I like to eat sweets. You like to eat sweets.
(S) verb (S) verb

*I find it effective to ask pupils to highlight/underline the nouns so they know what verb to use.

Please note: The use of the correct verb comes with consistent practice. Pupils may find it confusing at first because they think that plural nouns should be followed by an s because plural nouns have the letter s e.g. table(s), chair(s). That's why I find it useful to differentiate nouns and verbs with them.

2. Grammar: Simple past tense or present tense

Contextual clues such as yesterday, last night/year/week indicates that you must use the past tense.


Yesterday was an unlucky day for me.
(clue) (past)

Contextual clues such as every day, today, this/year/week indicates that you must use the present tense.


I go to school by bus every day.
(present) (clue)

2. Grammar: Simple past tense or present tense

Grammar rule:

Add an '-ed' or a '-d' to a verb to change it to the past form.

Example 1: Add '-d' if the verb ends with 'e'.

Present Past
skate skated
die died
dance danced

Example 2:

Present Past
play played
bowl bowled
shout shouted

Exceptions to the rule:

Example 3:
Present Past
cut cut
come came
go went

Please feel free to clarify anything by texting or e-mailing me.

Friday, July 29, 2011

29th July, Friday


1. English worksheet page 1-3 & 10-12.
2. Language Usage Booklet page 10, 11 & 14.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

28th, July


1. Heuristic Booklet page 13-17

Please note: I will be doing most of it in class with them. I'm really trying to ensure they can draw the correct models as this will really help with their understanding of word problems all the way to P6. Do help me to reinforce this 'problem solving method' at home. There are two types of models. 'Part-whole' model and 'comparison' models. Do refer to their heuristic booklet for examples of these models. Please be patient with them as this is their first time drawing models and they require ample practice. The effort is well worth it as this is a skill that will help them all the way to P6.

Important Reminder

1. Do report to school by 12.35p.m for the school induction programme. Please line up in front of the book-shop. Thank you.The objective of the induction programme is to officially introduce to the pupils the school values garden, The school values garden is a place for pupils to showcase the school values of Respect, Resilience, Spirit of Excellence and Innovation, Self-Discipline and Integrity. The early reporting time is to ensure the induction is finished before school starts so no curriculum time is taken. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

26th, Tuesday

1. Maths Workbook page 68-72.

Things to note for Word Problems:
Please help me to remind the pupils to include
1. Number sentence (they always leave this out)
2. Working
3. Model (if necessary)

Monday, July 25, 2011

26th, Monday

We had a very fun day at Changi Airport. The children had a lot of fun and I think they need a good rest tonight. No homework was given and no homework could be collected as we arrived in school just in time for dismissal. A big thank you to the parent volunteers who have helped in one way or another during our trip. Your children loved having you there.

Important reminder:

1. Edusave form. For those who have not completed the form and submitted it today, please do so by tomorrow. Thank you.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What We Did This Week

The students had an enjoyable and enlightening week as they participated in Innochef, Musical Theatre, E-Animation and the English Fun Week activities. Below are some pictures from the Innochef activity, courtesy of Mr Yek.

Thank you Mr Chua for helping us bake our cupcakes =)

Mrs Lim is helping us to decorate our cupcakes

Anyone wants to learn how to make a yummy Milo drink?

Mr Yong and Mr Chua 'inspecting' the students at work =) Thank you for being so patient.

More uploads soon...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friday, 22nd July

1. Maths worksheet page 1-6.

Important Notice:
1. Sign edusave form for Those who do not have the edusave form please submit $10.50.
2. For those who have ordered the zoologist badges, please bring $2.50 on Monday.

Things To Bring on Monday

1. Writing materials e.g. Pencil case
2.Clipboard (if possible,for writng purposes)
3. Packed lunch and water bottle
4. Jacket (in case they are cold)
5. Homework.
6. Edusave form.
7. Please ensure the students wear their PE-Attire. Thank you.

Buses will set off for Changi Airport T3 at 1.15pm

21st, Thursday


1. Maths Workbook page 63-66.
2. Spelling corrections.

Important Notice
1. Parents' Notification letter has been given.
2. Please sign the Spelling Book.
3. Response slip to contribute for Teachers'/Children's Day. This is not compulsory but on behalf of the school, I would like to thank you should you decide to make a contribution.
4. The script for the Musical Theatre has been given out today. Do help them to practice their lines. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wednesday, 20th July

1. English worksheet page 3-5
2. Math workbook corrections

Important Reminder
1.All pupils are to be in ETHNIC costume on 21/7/2011 (Thursday)in celebration of Racial Harmony Day.
2. Please sign the Maths Trail registration form and make the payment of $13 in cash or cheque by tomorrow. Thank you. Please note that this activity is part of the school curriculum and all students are required to participate.
Parent Volunteers for Maths Trail to Changi Airport

Mrs Lim - parent of Shan Ying

Max - parent of Chloe (pending)

Mdm Chua - parent of Yves

Mrs Chua - parent of Daryl

Date: 25th July
Time : 1.00-5.30p.m. (I will see you at the General office at 1 p.m.)
Role: *To help ensure the safety of the pupils.
We have hired facilitators to carry out the activities with the students.

Thank you very much for offering your assistance. You play a huge role in helping the pupils get the most from the activity.

Tuesday, 19th July

Important Notice
1. Please remember to bring a container for the Innochef lesson tomorrow. The container must be big enough to put at least 3 normal-size cupcakes.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, 18th July

1. English worksheet page 11.

Important Notice
1. Please remember to bring a container for the Innochef lesson on Wednesday. The container must be big enough to put at least 3 normal-size cupcakes.
2. There is no remedial tomorrow as I will not be in school because I will be attending a workshop.
3. If your child has completed the young zoologist booklet and you are intereted to purchase the badgs at $2.50 each, please indicate in your child's student diary by tomorrow as I need to place an order for the badges. Thank you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What We Learnt This Week


Musical Theatre

The pupils will be performing a play of the story ‘The Tortoise and The Hare’ in September. They have been taught the actions and dialogue for their roles. I will be giving each of them the script on Monday. It will be good if you can help them to practice their lines.


1. Adverbials – one day, every day/evening/morning, tomorrow, in a few days

one day - used to start a story

every day/evening/morning - used to show that something happens daily

tomorrow, in a few days - to show something that will happen in the future


Numbers Up to 40: Key Areas of Focus

1. Count in groups of 10.

For example:

10, 20, 30, 40

2. Revise the concept of place value: tens and ones. This is an important concept they must understand. I use ten-dollar notes and one-dollar coins to help them understand this concept.The ten-dollar note represents the tens and the 1-dollar coin represent the ones.

For example:

2 tens = 20 and 40 = 4 tens

2 ones = 2 and 6 = 6 ones

32 = 3 tens and 2 ones

Common errors:

32 = 30 tens and 2 ones

3. Writing the numerals in words.

Common errors:

40 = fourty (x) instead of 40 = forty

29 = twenty nine (x) instead of 29 = twenty-nine

4. Number Patterns

For example:

33______, ______, 24, 21, ______

Pupils are usually unable to do this question. I ask them to focus on the given numbers that are beside each other. In this case 24 and 21. Then I ask them what they have to do to 24 to get 21. In this case subtract 3. Then I ask them to do the same to 33 to get the number beside it. In this case, 33-3 to get 30.

Thank you for the support you give to your child at home.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, 15th July

Dear Parents,

Thank you very much for your coorperation. Everyone came in the proper attire for the health check-up except for 1 pupil. Please note that if your child was unable to receive the jab today due to his/her medical condition (prior illness e.g. fever) you will be notifed of when and where you have to bring your child for their imunization injection.

Due to the length of time taken for the health check-up, I was unable to carry out Show and Tell today. Hence, I will do so the following Monday 18th July. Thank you for understanding.

1. Chapter 12 Math worksheet - all the pages
2. Spelling corrections. Please sign the spelling book.

Important Notice
1. Last date of submission for the Young Zoologist Booklet is Monday 18/7.
2. Last date of submission for the tickets for the Musical Aladdin is Monday 18/7.

I seek your cooperation in meeting the given deadlines. Thank you.

Parent Volunteers

1. I still need at least 4 more parent volunteers for the Innochef activity next week, Wednesday 20/7 2-4.30 p.m. Please do text me if you're interested as you are vital in ensuring the students gets the most from this activity.

Currently the two Parent Volunteers for this activity are:

1. Mr Chua - parent of Daryl

2. Mrs Lim - parent of Shan Ying

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, 14th July

Important Notice

1. Please remember to submit the completed Young Zoologist booklet tomorrow.
2. Please help me to ensure the pupils are wearing their PE attire for the health check-up tomorrow.
3. The order form for the musical Aladdin must be submitted by tomorrow. It is not compulsory. However do note that your child must be accompanied by a parent or a sibling. Do indicate clearly on the form how many tickets you wish to purchase . Tickets are limited so do try to submit the form by tomorrow.

1. Grammar worksheet

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday, 12th July


1. Poggy Frog and The Cows - page 7-8 and the last page. Please complete the corrections.

2. Maths Workbook page 37-44. Please complete the corrections.

3. Please sign the Maths Workbook.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What We Have Learnt in Term 3 Week 2

Things to Note:


1. Picture Graphs
  • Highlight keywords such as types = different kinds.
Example of questions:

(a) How many types of juice are there?
(b) How many glasses of juice did the children drink altogether?

  • Highlight the difference between question (a) and question (b). Pupils tend to give the same answer for both questions.
2. Find the difference.

  • Highlight questions that requires them to find the difference. Emphasize that you use subtraction to find the difference.

(a) How many fewer apples than oranges did Ahmad eat?
(b) How many more apples than kiwis did Ahmad eat?

3. Model method

  • I have taught the pupils how to draw models. Please help me to reinforce this method as this gives them a visual representation and helps them to solve the following problems listed below. I have practiced this a few times with the students and this method seems really effective in getting them to understand the 'more than' and 'less than' concept. This model method will also help them to solve word problems involving 'more than' and 'less than'.
Example of problems:

(a) 16 is 1 more than ? .

What I taught the students: 16 is more so the model for 16 is longer than the model for ? . Hence to get the answer for ? you have to take 16-1=15.

(b) 16 is 1 less than ?

What I taught the students: 16 is less so the model for 16 is shorter than the model for ? . Hence to get the answer for ? you have to take 16+1=17.



1. Word Order

  • Pupils have to take note that they have to rearrange the words and begin the sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop or question mark.
2. Grammar

  • Singular noun singular verb
Example: The dog sits on the rug.
  • Plural noun plural verb
Example: The dogs sit on the rug.

3. Vocabulary
  • Try to encourage your child to use the new vocabulary words they have learnt.
The words are: evening, meeting, pond, shoo, skedaddle (to depart quickly or hurriedly), thirsty, wonderful

Dear parents, I thank you once again for your support and partnership in ensuring that your child fulfills their potential.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, 8th July


1. Non- routine booklet, Picture Graphs: page 3 and corrections are to be completed.
2. Spelling corrections
3. Complete Stellar worksheet - pages to be completed have been circled

Important notice:

1. Sign spelling book
2. Pupils with remedial on Monday at 10:45 are as follows:

- Si Ting
- Justin Lim
- Hovan
- Dhiya
- Owen
- Justin Yap
- Yves Gwee
- Shing Raye

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday, 7th July


1. Please help me to ensure that your child is prepared for the Show and Tell tomorrow.
- Amanda
- Cassandra
- Hasanah
- Shraddha
- Shan Ying
- Jia Lyn


1. Picture Graphs Diagnostic Test

Please note: Do allow your child to complete this piece of homework himself/herself. They should be given no longer than 40 mins to complete the test. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6th July, Wednesday

Dear Parents,

Thank you for making sure the pupils came in their school uniform. We managed to take a lovely class photo and you will be able to place your orders soon.


1. Maths Homework 1B page 11-16.

Please Note: I informed the students that should they arrive in school before 1.45 p.m. they should meet me at my table and get their Math Workbook as some were unable to complete the classwork done today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Spelling List for Tomorrow

Here is the Spelling List for tomorrow at the request of some parents:

Poggy Frog and the Cows

1. “I will be your leader,” said Frog.
2. A big cow came to the pond.
3. “How will we stop them?” asked Lizzy Lizard.
4. Cows must not come here.
5. Frog sang a wonderful song.
6. Those cows were very thirsty.
7. The next day, the cows came again.
8. That evening, Frog called a meeting.
9. The ground started shaking.
10. “Go away!” he shouted.

* The words to be tested are in bold.

Tuesday, 5th July

Important Notice:

1. Sign the Edusave form for the E-Animation workshop that will begin this Friday.
Please note: Only Shing Raye, Shraddha and Sriram to please bring $20 for the workshop and fill in the blue registration form.

2. Please wear the school uniform tomorrow as there will be a class photo-taking session. Do not wear PE-attire.


1. Maths workbook page 23-26.
2. Maths Picture Graphs Worksheet page 1 -3.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Request for Parent Volunteers

Dear Parents,

Our school has organized two programmes for our P1 pupils
1. Innochef lesson - 20 July, Wednesday, 2:30-4:30p.m.
Pupils will be baking cupcakes and making Milo. This in conjunction with the book, The King's Cake.
2. Maths Trail to Changi Airport - Week 5 (date and time to be confirmed)
Pupils will go to the Changi Airport and will be engaging in mathematics-related activities.

I will need at least 5 parent volunteers for each programme and would like to request for your help if you are interested to participate. Do drop me an SMS if you would like to be a part of the class activity. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Summary of What We Learnt

Picture Composition Writing
  • Make use of the given helping words.
  • Begin a sentence with a capital letter.
  • End a sentence with a full stop.
  • Begin a new paragraph with a two-finger spacing.
  • Begin a new paragraph when you're writing about a new event in the story. (Pupils have the most difficulty deciding when to start a new paragraph)
  • Write the story in the past tense.
Please Note: The children still require many reminders on the above points. Please do help me to remind them as repetition will help them pick up the writing skills faster.


Whose vs who's
  • Definition: Whose - possessive pronoun ; Who's - short form/contraction of who is
How to choose the correct word to fill in the blank?
  • Use the long form of who's to fill in the blanks.
Example: Who is book is this?

  • If it is incorrect you use whose instead
Example: Whose book is this?

  • If it is correct,
Example: Who is the one wearing the black shirt?
  • Replace it with the short form
Example: Who's the one wearing the black shirt?


Pupils need constant and strict reminders to:
  • write the 'tall' letters properly - especially k, t, l, h, b
  • write the 'short' letters properly - for especially s, z, m and n
Please note that this is important as teachers from the other levels have commented that students still make this mistakes when they are in primary 2, 3, 4 and 5. Let's get the children to practice good penmanship from P1. Thank you for your help.

Mathematics: Mass

  • Definition: Mass is a measure of how heavy an object is
Important Notes:
  • If the scale balance is balanced, the right pan is equal to/as heavy as the left pan.
  • If the scale balance is not balanced, the right pan is not equal to/heavier than/lighter than the left pan.
  • You can substitute an object with the number of units it represents. (This is quite abstract for pupils and some are finding difficulty grasping this. I will be highlighting this again during remedial/class)
Example: 1 durian - 4 marbles, 1 apple - 2 marbles

If a book is as heavy as/equal to 2 durians,
book - 8 marbles

Thank you for reading this post. I hope it helps you guide your children.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ist July

Important Notice:

1. Do take note that Monday is a school holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, 5th of July. If your child has remedial lessons with me, do ensure they are in school by 10.45 a.m.

2. The Show and Tell letter for Semester 2 has been given. Please take note of the date your child is presenting and help them to prepare for their chosen topics.

3. Please sign the Spelling Book. Books of Dragon Grp Members are still in class as the English leader did not distribute them.

4. I would like to inform you that I will be requesting for your signature after every completed chapter so that you can monitor your child's progress. Thank you for your support.

5. In view of the time contraints, I would be summarizing the week's lesson and putting up a post by Sunday afternoon at 12 p.m. every week instead of a daily update. I hope this helps you.


1. Non-routine Sums Booklet page 1-4 (Revision) and page 1-2 (Mass)
2. Picture composition
Title : The Lost Wallet
3. Complete the Spelling corrections. Each correction (word, phrase or sentence) must be written three times.
4. Young Zoologist Badge Booklets

  • Marks for each 'project' are indicated by the number in the star.

  • Marks will only be awarded if the completed work is satisfactory. Otherwise, it will have to be done again.

  • The Young Zoologist Badges will be given according to the marks acquired.

  • To be submitted by 15th July