Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, 15th July

Dear Parents,

Thank you very much for your coorperation. Everyone came in the proper attire for the health check-up except for 1 pupil. Please note that if your child was unable to receive the jab today due to his/her medical condition (prior illness e.g. fever) you will be notifed of when and where you have to bring your child for their imunization injection.

Due to the length of time taken for the health check-up, I was unable to carry out Show and Tell today. Hence, I will do so the following Monday 18th July. Thank you for understanding.

1. Chapter 12 Math worksheet - all the pages
2. Spelling corrections. Please sign the spelling book.

Important Notice
1. Last date of submission for the Young Zoologist Booklet is Monday 18/7.
2. Last date of submission for the tickets for the Musical Aladdin is Monday 18/7.

I seek your cooperation in meeting the given deadlines. Thank you.

Parent Volunteers

1. I still need at least 4 more parent volunteers for the Innochef activity next week, Wednesday 20/7 2-4.30 p.m. Please do text me if you're interested as you are vital in ensuring the students gets the most from this activity.

Currently the two Parent Volunteers for this activity are:

1. Mr Chua - parent of Daryl

2. Mrs Lim - parent of Shan Ying

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