Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, 27th May

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to meet me today. I received valuable feedback and input that would go a long way in helping me support your child's learning in school. I do encourage you to continue communicating your concerns or suggestions to me so that I can better help you support and nurture your child's development. One of the improvement that you can look forward to:

1. Focus areas and common mistakes will be highlighted after each topic is taught so that you may revise with your children regularly instead of just prior to the exam.


I do seek your understanding if I am unable to update the study tips immediately due to the time constraints I face at times but I do urge you to check the blog regularly.

June Holiday Programme

As requested by a parent, here are the dates of the June Holiday Programme for Class 1.6

30th May 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1st June 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
20th June 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

The classes are targeted at selected pupils. The aim is to ensure that the foundation of the core concepts (i.e. number bonds, addition and subtraction) and literacy skills (i.e. reading and grammar) are built so that the pupils will be ready once Semester 2 starts as the syllabus will be an add on to what has been taught in Semester 1. I will be sharing what I did during the class on the blog so you can provide the necessary home support. Thank you very much for being willing to work together with me.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

26th May, Thursday

Important Reminder:

1. Please take note that the pastry making to be held on the SVPS Open House day is at a first come first served basis. There is no booking of time-slots as per the other activities.

2. I have not given any holiday homework. Please enjoy the holidays. Please do help me to ensure that the students read as many books as possible during the holidays.

3. Pupils attending supplementary classes, please remember to come on Monday, 30th of May by 10 a.m. sharp. Pick-up point is at the canteen.

* Pupils who have not been selected for the supplementary class are welcome to attend if they wish too.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

25th May, Wednesday

Important Notice:

1. Please sign the report book and return it tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing you on Friday.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24th May, Tuesday

Important Notice:

1. Please sign and complete the Habits Of Mind Card. The portion for parents to complete have been marked with a cross.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monday, 23rd May

Important Reminder:

1. Pleae bring the pink Character Development File by tomorrow 24th May (for those who have not done so).
2. Please bring the reply slips for the remedial classes to be held during the June holidays.
3. Please take note of the appointment time slips for the Parent-Teacher-Meeting. It was given out today.
4. Selected pupils have been given consent forms to participate in the SVPS Open House. Please return it by tomorrow.
5. Please place your orders for the "I Love SV" T-shirt by tomorrow. The order forms have been given today.


1. Maths Homework Book Page 87-96.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, 16th May

Important Notice:

1. There is no school tomorrow as it is Vesak Day.
2. There will spelling on Wednesday, The Jigaree: Unit 14 page 3

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Storytelling Showcase

Dear Parents,

The school will be holding a Storytelling Showcase on the 20th of May. I have informed the pupils about it and some have eagerly volunteered for the showcase. I will be holding 'auditions' on Wednesday as only one representative per class can be selected. Listed below is 3 website links to help your child prepare for the auditions. I hope you will encourage and support your child's interest in storytelling.

Useful Websites:

1. (sample written stories)
2. (audio books as sample stories)
3. (tips on how to tell a story)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Saturday, 14th May

Important Reminder:

1. Please return the Parent-Teacher reply slip by Monday.

Note 1: It is attached at the back of the pink Parent Notification slip. For pupils with siblings, I have just given the forms yesterday.

Note 2: I have a workshop in the morning from 8-12 and will be unable to meet any of the parents any earlier than 1 p.m. on the 27th of May. I will be returning the exam papers next Thursday and would make myself available in the morning from the 20-26th May for parents who prefer to meet me in the morning. Do also indicate on the reply slip the date and time you would prefer to meet up if it you wish to meet me between the 20-26th May.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

12th May

1. Please bring crayons or colour pencils as there will be an art 'talent-spotting' activity tomorrow. You may help your child plan what they would like to draw.

2. Reply slips( I will be giving the pupils the reply slips tomorrow)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, 10th May

Important Notice:

1. Remedial pupils to attend remedial at 12p.m. Please bring the Maths File.
2. I did not collect the revision paper 2 so that you may revise with them. I will collect it tomorrow for marking.

Maths Revision Tips

1. I focused on giving them different variations of questions from the Revision Paper 1 & 2 as the questions in the Maths Paper tomorrow will be very similar.

Good questions to give them additional practice. We have practiced this a number of times in class but you may want to get them to do so again at home:

Revision Paper 2.

Listed below are the important questions from Revision Paper 2

Q2 Exam Tip: Get pupils to write the three numbers down and circle the correct answer.

Example: What number comes before 10? 9 , 10, 11

Q6 Exam tip: Get pupils to familiarise with number bonds.

Q13 Exam Tip: Get pupils to draw arrows to show addition or subtraction pattern.

Q18 Exam Tip: Get pupils to put a tick as they count the number of shapes i.e.. circles

Q19 and Q 26 Exam tip: Familiarize pupils with the question "How many more". This questions requires pupils to find the difference so they have to subtract.

Q 21 Exam tip: Pupils should know how to spell numbers 1 to 20. Especially, eleven, twelve, fifteen and twenty.

Q 23 Exam tip: Get pupils to draw the place value table. Practice variety of place value questions.
Example: 14 = 14 ones ; 14 = 1 ten 4 ones

Q 39 Exam tip: Write the numbers in the shapes. Remind pupils that the same shape must have the same number.


Sample variations to practice:

9, 6, 8, 5

Choose 2 numbers so that the answer is the greatest or smallest.
_____ + _____ = ______
_____ - _____ = _______
2. Focus on ensuring your child understand the instructions and questions.


Circle the 3rd letter.

Colour the 2 numbers that make 10.

Tick the next pattern.

3. Focus on problem sums as they are 4 marks each.

Exam tip 1: Circle the numbers in the problem sum and only use those numbers in the number sentence.

There are 16 children. 7 are boys. How many girls are there?

i.e. 16 - 7 = 9

There are 9 girls. [ Please remind them to fill in the blanks]

Exam tip 2: Underline key words in the question.

How many sweets does she have at first? addition
How many sweets does she have in all? addition
How many more/fewer books does she have? subtraction
How many sweets does she have left? subtraction

It would be good to go through the questions in the topical worksheets and diagnostic tests. All the best.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Monday, 9th May

Dear Parents,

Thank you for making arrangements so that your child can attend the supplementary class. It was a good turn out and only two pupils were unable to attend the class. Listed below are exam tips and focus areas I shared with the pupils. The focus areas highlight the most common mistakes made by the pupils. Please help me to remind your child should you find it useful.

Focus Areas for English

1. Revise the use of has and have

Exam tip: Circle/highlight the nouns.
Example: The monkeys have tails.
The monkey has a tail.

2. Revise the use of present continuous tense in Unit 14: The Jigaree

Note: Highlight to pupils that is/are is followed by a verb in the ____ing structure

Exam tip: Circle/highlight is/are.
Example: The kangaroo is hopping.
The boys are playing.

3. Revise the use of question words

Exam tip: Circle/highlight the clues in the answer.
What - used for nouns or verbs
What is Tom playing? Tom is playing with a bat.
Where - used for place
Where is the cat? It is in the cupboard.
Who - used for people
Who is in kitchen? Mother is in the kitchen.
When - used for time
When are you returning my book? I will return it tomorrow.

4. Revise the use of prepositions (in, on, over and into).

Show different ways to use the preposition over.

I hit the ball over the net.
The cat jumped over the fence.
Pull the blanket over your body.

in and into are not the same

in - does not show movement from one place to another

The books are in my bag.

into - shows movement from one place to another

I put the books in my bag. (wrong)
I put the books into my bag. (correct)

5. Revise the use of pronouns (he/his, I/my, she/her, you/your

Note: Highlight that his, my, her and your shows possession


Siti has a cat. She cat is white. (wrong)
Siti has a cat. Her cat is white. (correct)

6. Revise the use of punctuations.

Exam tip: Circle/highlight the clues.

- Exclamation mark ! to show that a person raised his/her voice in anger or excitement

"Be quiet!" yelled the Farmer. (correct)
"Be quiet." yelled the Farmer. (wrong)

- Question mark ? to show that a person has asked a question

"What are you doing?" asked the teacher. (correct)
"What are you doing." asked the teacher. (wrong)

- Full stop . to show the end of a sentence

- Comma , to show a list of items

I bought a pen, a pencil and an eraser.

Exam Reminders

1. Please revise the vocabulary words for each unit. Advise your child to look for clues from the picture or the given sentence to obtain the correct answer.

2. Please go through the exam papers with your children. Read through the instructions for each section of the exam paper with your child to familiarise them with the instructions.

Grammar Cloze
Please remind them that each word can be used once only. Exam tip: Cross out the words after they have been used.

Word Order
Please remind them to begin with a capital letter and end with the correct punctuation ( . or ?) Marks will be deducted otherwise.

Comprehension Cloze
Please include the letter s if the answer has to be in plural form. Otherwise no marks will be given.


During the holidays, my mother takes me to the Botanic Gardens. We take a (51) bus there. We like to look at the different colourful (52) flowers . Then, we go to a shopping centre. We have our (53) lunch at the foodcourt. After that, my mother buys a (54) storybook for me. We
have an enjoyable day together. I can’t wait to go home to (55) read my new book.

Reading Comprehension
Answer in a complete sentence.
Exam tip: Underline the answers in the passage.

Important Reminders:
1. Please bring the Maths File on Tuesday, 10th May.


1. Maths Revision Paper 1
2. Maths Workboook (Only for those who have not completed and handed it in today)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


1. Length diagnostic test
2. Length unit worksheet
3. Math workbook ( most have completed the entire book in class)
4. Math revision paper 1

Important Notice:

Due to the positive feedback, I will be having a supplementary class on 9th May, Monday.
Time: 10 a.m- 1p.m.
Attire: PE attire or school uniform with school shoes
Pickup location: Canteen
Things to bring: English and Math file; pencil case; four pieces of homework
Note: Please bring some food for tea break

*I received some queries and would like to confirm that there is no school tomorrow, Friday 6th of May. Below is a captured image of the Parents' Notification Letter.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4th May, Wednesday

Important Notice:

1. Remedial will be at 1p.m.

Pick up location: Canteen
Venue: 1.6 classroom

2. Dear parents,

Monday is again a school holiday but due to the many distrupted lessons due to the 'Nomination Day', 'Polling Day' and the subsequent 'Post-Election School Holiday' I would like to propose supplementary lessons on Monday, 9th May.
Time: 10a.m. to 1p.m
Venue: Class 1.6

I would be glad to receive your feedback via the student's diary by tomorrow. Please indicate your response on page 85 of the student's diary as follows:

- Yes I want my child to attend the supplementary lesson or
- No I do not want my child to attend the supplementary lesson.

Please note that the supplementary class is not compulsory and I will decide whether to hold one depending on the feedback received. If you have any further inquires, please e-mail me at


1. Complete Math Diagnostic Test
2. Complete Math Worksheet Unit 8
3. Jigaree Worksheet page 12 (some brought it home as they were unable to complete it in class)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3rd May, Tuesday


1. Maths Diagnostic Test ( some have completed in class)
2. Maths workbook page 88-91 ( some have completed it in class)

I apologize for being unable to collect the homework as I had very limited time with them due to the listening and comprehension test. I will collect it tomorrow.