Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, 10th May

Important Notice:

1. Remedial pupils to attend remedial at 12p.m. Please bring the Maths File.
2. I did not collect the revision paper 2 so that you may revise with them. I will collect it tomorrow for marking.

Maths Revision Tips

1. I focused on giving them different variations of questions from the Revision Paper 1 & 2 as the questions in the Maths Paper tomorrow will be very similar.

Good questions to give them additional practice. We have practiced this a number of times in class but you may want to get them to do so again at home:

Revision Paper 2.

Listed below are the important questions from Revision Paper 2

Q2 Exam Tip: Get pupils to write the three numbers down and circle the correct answer.

Example: What number comes before 10? 9 , 10, 11

Q6 Exam tip: Get pupils to familiarise with number bonds.

Q13 Exam Tip: Get pupils to draw arrows to show addition or subtraction pattern.

Q18 Exam Tip: Get pupils to put a tick as they count the number of shapes i.e.. circles

Q19 and Q 26 Exam tip: Familiarize pupils with the question "How many more". This questions requires pupils to find the difference so they have to subtract.

Q 21 Exam tip: Pupils should know how to spell numbers 1 to 20. Especially, eleven, twelve, fifteen and twenty.

Q 23 Exam tip: Get pupils to draw the place value table. Practice variety of place value questions.
Example: 14 = 14 ones ; 14 = 1 ten 4 ones

Q 39 Exam tip: Write the numbers in the shapes. Remind pupils that the same shape must have the same number.


Sample variations to practice:

9, 6, 8, 5

Choose 2 numbers so that the answer is the greatest or smallest.
_____ + _____ = ______
_____ - _____ = _______
2. Focus on ensuring your child understand the instructions and questions.


Circle the 3rd letter.

Colour the 2 numbers that make 10.

Tick the next pattern.

3. Focus on problem sums as they are 4 marks each.

Exam tip 1: Circle the numbers in the problem sum and only use those numbers in the number sentence.

There are 16 children. 7 are boys. How many girls are there?

i.e. 16 - 7 = 9

There are 9 girls. [ Please remind them to fill in the blanks]

Exam tip 2: Underline key words in the question.

How many sweets does she have at first? addition
How many sweets does she have in all? addition
How many more/fewer books does she have? subtraction
How many sweets does she have left? subtraction

It would be good to go through the questions in the topical worksheets and diagnostic tests. All the best.

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